A Little About Us...

Welcome to our blog! We are a family of 19 angels in our first ever year of school at Elm Park School, Pakuranga, Auckland in New Zealand (Aotearoa)! We love rainbows, puzzles, discovering new games on our ipads and story writing! We hope you enjoy strolling through our blog and please do leave us a comment and suggestions of what you'd like to see!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Our Holiday Stories!

We had lots of fun using our ipads to record our holiday stories! Our teacher showed us how to make a movie out of it in iMovie. We can't wait to make more movies!

Leave us a comment and let us know what you did in your holidays!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Very Interesting Holidays! I would've loved to have great holidays like you guys! I hope you have fun in the next holidays!!!!

~ Catherine

Anonymous said...

Dear Room 5,
We liked your story about your holidays. They sounded exciting. We liked your interesting words.
You all had nice, clear and your voice was loud. We liked how it changed from one person to the next.
Well done Room 5!
Room 12 :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 5!

We loved listening to your holiday stories! You did some very good work! Thank you for sharing them with us!

From room 10

Anonymous said...

Wow room 5!
You guys seem like you have had loads of fun!
Do you want to know what I did in the holidays?
I went horse riding on my horse called Finn!
I hope you have even more fun on the next holidays!!!

~Sophia your wet day monitor! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing room 5!you guys must of had lots of fun in the holidays! i am looking forward to hearing more of your holidays sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

you guys had some awesome holidays!!!!

Mrs. Sharma said...

Hi Room 5,
You spoke so clearly. your stories were amazing.

Mrs. Sharma & Room 4
Tamaki Primary school